the Portal

Re-discover yourself beyond Generational Trauma

Global Community

Are you on a journey towards becoming aligned with who you were meant to be, living an awakened life, and breaking ancestral cycles in your lineage?

Open to people from all corners of the world, we offer a space to honor your growth and access the resources and tools to embody your soul’s truth and create ever-lasting change in your bloodline.

Build community with others on the same journey

Starts Here

Your Soul’s Evolution

Members-Only Discounts

You know that growth isn’t all rainbows and sunshine, and it’s also not a one-size-fits-all process. Often, it comes with shedding, pain and grief.

Take advantage of our discounted services to move through your human experiences and holistically support and nurture your soul’s evolution.

Integrative healing for your mind, body & soul

Personal & Spiritual Development Workshops

Finances, geographical location, and time may make it challenging to receive the support and guidance you need in your journey.

Access pre-recorded workshops designed to help you develop the awareness and skills to support your mind, body, and soul in healing and growth.

Flexibility that allows healing to happen on your timing.


BECOMING the Portal Membership
Every month
Every year

What’s included?

Journal Prompts

Guided Meditations

Group Events

Global Community


Discounted Services

Soul Chats


BECOMING the Portal is more than just a collection of services; it's a sacred container for your soul's evolution on this earth.

Join us on this extraordinary path of self-discovery, empowerment, and transformation.

Embrace the journey of BECOMING the Portal beyond Generational trauma for your lineage.


  • No, you can join the membership from anywhere in the world.

  • The membership grants you 25% discount to all of our 1:1 services and specialized events

  • The membership is open to all individuals interested in joining a community of like-minded folks working towards a similar goal of spiritual and personal development. We want to honor that there is a huge benefit for all members when the community is inclusive of diverse backgrounds and experiences.

  • The membership is an automatic monthly subscription with teh ability to cancel whenever you want. The workshops inside of the membership are all pre-recorded, providing you the ability and flexibility to watch on your own time.

  • It depends on the event, some may be offered only in-person, some only online and some a combination of both. We try our best to offer most of our events in a way that can accommodate most members. If you need any special accommodation, reach out to us and let us know.