Cord Cutting

Supporting your Ascension

Cord Cutting is a powerful transformation energy healing technique. It can be performed several ways and when performed by a skilled
practitioner-it can be extremely empowering, freeing the individual from burdens, toxic ties, patterns, and outdated connections to people,
places, and beliefs that are no longer serving them.

Cord cutting often results in a shift in professional, romantic, familial, and platonic relationship dynamics and perceptions.

Our relationships can either bring us peace and healing, or they can make us unwell and adversely affect every other area of our lives:
finances, personal growth, mental health, spirituality, community, and the list goes on. That person doesn’t have to be someone you have
major issues with; it may be someone currently in your life who you love dearly.

Or it may be someone who has died. Our relationships aren’t all good or all bad. It may be someone you haven’t seen in decades.

But if you had a relationship then that connection still remains at an energy level causing a current cord attachment to still be still present.

Cord cutting can be used for familial and inner child work as well- relieving you of beliefs about yourself and life that you picked up on as
a child from parents, guardians, religion, and society. Much like how in psychology all the issues that are running our lives
subconsciously need to be addressed and changed, cutting cords of attachments is a lot simpler and has long lasting effects.

Supports with...

Release Emotional Baggage
Improved Relationships
Enhanced Mental Health
Spiritual Growth
Financial Clarity
Inner Child Healing
Overall Well-being
Freedom from Subconscious Influence
Peaceful Existence

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